Benjamin P Taylor - 5 core practices for effective organisations

Five core practices for organisational effectiveness
Benjamin will introduce his ‘five core practices’ for effective organisation, some of the theory behind them, and ways to begin the practice.
Would your team or organisation be more effective if you reliably worked to be able to do these things?

– Productively have honest conversations, ‘discuss the undiscussable’, and surface reasoning and emotions?
– Actively achieve clarity of relationships, task, roles and broader activities and programmes?
– Learn at single, double, and triple loop level
– Shape a culture which enabled and supported willing productivity
– Measure and remain focused on actual customer value – as the customers see it?

Speaker bio
Benjamin is passionate about systems/cybernetic/complexity and working in public service transformation and organisational development. He is a Director of Systems and Complexity in Organisation, the systems practitioner professional body, and is writing two books on systems thinking and public service transformation. He hosts the Systems Community of Inquiry blog and convenes and support various systems communities of practice, and is Managing Partner of networked consultancy RedQuadrant, which he co-founded in 2009, and Chief Executive of the Public Service Transformation Academy, a not-for-profit social enterprise partnership he co-founded in 2016.He has also lectured in applied systems thinking at Cass Business School, City University, and at Nottingham Business School and Oxford Said/HEC Paris.



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