Agile software estimation toolkit
This Agile software estimation toolkit is more than just a cheat sheet – it’s a full toolkit of ready made spreadsheets to enable you to do monte-carlo simulations, constraint driven estimation, reference class forecasting and much more!
The software estimation toolkit will help you estimate the time and cost of your project without having to do hours of research or drag your team into wasteful estimation meetings and discussions.
Download the software estimation toolkit now to learn about the best practices for estimating projects.
This toolkit is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their estimations. It includes resources on how to manage expectations, forecasting, and becoming more predictable as a team.
This toolkit provides answers to common estimation questions, as well as the relevant tools that will help you manage expectations with your stakeholders. These questions include:
- How many work items can we complete by a fixed date?
- How can we confidently know when a feature or project will be completed?
- When will my work request be done?
- How do we stop our estimates from becoming commitments?
- I’ve got an idea for a new product! How long will it take to bring it to market? How much is it likely to cost?
- How do we estimate Epics?
- How do we estimate a large project or programme of work before we’ve even started it?
- How do we quantify the unknown?
When you subscribe, you’ll receive a zipped file containing a PDF Estimation cheat sheet and supporting Excel spreadsheets. All you need to do is fill-in a few details, and the toolkit does all of the heavy lifting for you!
To learn more about how to get the most from this toolkit please consider our training course “Advanced Agile Estimation, Planning and Forecasting“.
Get the Agile Software Estimation Cheat Sheet & Toolkit - FREE!
Packed full of tips, tricks and practical tools for software estimation.