Agile Coach Toolkit
The Agile Coach toolkit is a collection of tools and methods our Agiles Coaches regularly use during client engagements. We’ve released them here for your use.
The Coin Game is a popular simulation used by Agile Coaches to demonstrate the power of flow and batch size to teams new to Lean and Agile concepts.
The Agile Coaching Roadmap is a tool to help Agile Coaches to manage expectations by providing visibility to their activities. It’s also a useful facilitation tool when inspiring teams to think beyond their current practices.
The Kanban Data Visualisation tool provides a consistent way to render Kanban metrics. Data quality is a real issue when using systems such as Jira or VSTS, resulting in data exports into Excel and manual manipulation of data. This tool is intended to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Excel.
A photo library of real life Kanban systems to prompt thought and generate ideas.
A useful crib sheet to get you into good habits when coaching teams.
Describes the 4 key delivery principles that all Agile Coaches should be pushing and nurturing across teams.